Foreskin restoration is a long process, typically taking several years to complete. Naturally, the question arises: can the process of skin expansion be sped up?

Although tension and time are the factors that stimulate skin expansion, skin cells also need energy to divide and create new skin cells, and to create collagen and other structural proteins that hold them together. Cells use adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as energy. ATP can be generated from the food you eat, but it can also made from light.


Light Therapy

LED light therapy, also known as photo biomodulation, is well researched for improving skin health. Light therapy works through increasing cellular ATP, increasing blood flow, and even activating stem cells. Through these mechanisms, light therapy has been shown to increase collagen production, reduce scar tissue and wrinkles, and even heal wounds.


Can light therapy increase skin expansion?

To date, there have not been any studies done on using light therapy in conjunction with skin expansion. However, the abundance of research done on light therapy for skin rejuvenation and its mechanisms of action suggest that it could enhance skin expansion.


Is light therapy safe?

LED light therapy is non-heating and so it won’t burn the skin. Light therapy has even been studied to increase sperm quality and testosterone levels when used on the testicles. When using a high-quality LED light therapy device, it is safe to use on the genitals for foreskin restoration.



TrueLight® offers light therapy devices with the correct wavelengths and wattage backed by science, for maximum effectiveness and safety.

The TrueLight® Energy Scarlet Lux is a small handheld device, which is the perfect size for foreskin restoration. It has red, near infrared, and yellow wavelengths, which all have different benefits for skin health. It also has a built in 20-minute timer, which is the recommended daily dose.

For treating larger areas of skin, you can also get the TrueLight® Energy Square, or for full body treatment, the TrueLight® Energy Trism.




  1. Low-Level Laser (light) Therapy (LLLT) in Skin: Stimulating, Healing, Restoring 

  2. Effect of Pulsing in Low-Level Light Therapy 

  3. Infrared and Skin: Friend or Foe 

  4. Low Level Laser (Light) Therapy (LLLT) for Cosmetic Medicine and Dermatology 

  5. Unconventional Use of Intense Pulsed Light 

  6. Use Alone or in Combination of Red and Infrared Laser in Skin Wounds 

  7. Light-emitting Diodes: A Brief Review and Clinical Experience 

  8. Effectiveness of low level laser therapy for male infertility